Growth Report
Creating a dashboard platform for Employee Performance Training
For this project, I worked in a team with 3 other UI Designers where we were given the following brief.
“To design a more refreshed look and feel for a manager administrative portal that improves store managers ability to easily reference associate and transaction insights at-a-glance and then determine employee training opportunities“
My Role
Lead UI Designer
Domain Research
User Interviews
User Testing
Problem Statement
Style Tiles
High Fidelity Screens (Desktop/iPad)
Mobile High Fidelity Screens
Design Style Guide for Product
Team Members
Ida Dyberg Larsen
Xavier King
Oluwafemi Olupo
Quick Contents
Redefining the Problem Statement
Meet the Personas
Who are the main companies operating in this domain?
To better understand the marketplace, I conducted Domain Research to find out who the well established companies were and what they were offering, in terms of both their product service and user experience, as well as a visual UI Analysis of their products.
After conducting the competitive analysis and identifying the strengths, weaknesses and trends across the competitors, we were able to come up with a competitive edge to help differentiate ourselves from the competitors.
Exciting & Personal
Use of simple microinteractions, employee/manager profile pictures and a friendly tone of voice
Less is More
Use white space effectively, don’t overwhelm or clutter interface and use a clear grid system layout
Use Colours Clearly
Display graph information clearly using colours keeping accessibility in mind
Organised Information
Keep cognitive overload minimal but not overloading screens with too much data/information. Highlight key important information for users.
Breaking down the Wireframes
Exploring a Visual Identity
Mood Boards
Armed with the insights gathered from the domain research and competitive analysis, we then came up with adjectives as a team to help inform what directions we could explore from a visual aesthetic standpoint.
We then grouped the adjectives by similar themes and agreed which ones we wanted to explore with the moodboards. Below are the adjectives and mood boards I used.
Primary and Simple Mood board
The idea behind this mood board was to use strong, block colours, with a focus on the content keeping the design simple and friendly.
Sleek and Serious Mood board
This mood board was created to evoke a feeling of sophistication, like something that would be used in a serious and professional setting. Like a sleek, financial type of software
The winning Mood board
Bubbly and Fluid
When testing the moodboards with users, this one was the best received with users describing it as “friendly” and “not intimidating” to look at.
Keeping the context of the project “easy to read, glanceable information” and the users wanting an “easy and digestible“ experience, I moved forward with this design direction.
High Fidelity Screens
Overview and Today Screens
These are first screens I designed which are also the first screens that are part of the user flow. I designed the elements of the screens based on the updated wireframes as a reference.
I wanted to make the data visually appealing and easy to digest for the users as that was one of the main needs from the personas, which I did by using a visual hierarchy in my design. Keeping the specific data points contained on cards, using colours to signify titles, importance and statuses.
Compare and Feedback Screens
Because there are many different data points on these screens, I wanted to make sure they presented in a clear and easy to understand way for the user. Like the previous screens, each content is contained within its own card, which is a design pattern I used throughout the screens. I also used different visual approaches and colours to present the data in different ways to help the user understand that they are looking at different data metrics.
Employee List and Profile Page
Finally, the last two screens show a directory of the employees the persona manages, and they can click/tap to see more information about that particular employee. The directory page shows high level information about employees at a glanceable level like their names, titles, key skills and average performance rating. I wanted to keep the information simple but useful and during testing with users, 87% found this information useful to know at this stage.
On the Employee profile page, the user can see more in depth information about the employee, like which shop they’re based at, how long they’ve been at the company and further breakdown of their ratings and the attributes that they’ve been given by customers.
User Testing
Iterating and Improving the experience
I conducted 3 rounds of user testing with around 5 to 6 different people, 2 of which had retail experience in a managerial role (which was difficult to get a hold of over the Christmas period!)
Each round of testing helped me understand the frustrations users were having, and how I could refine the design and experience of the product. Initially, users struggled with:
Understanding what data they being shown on the graphs
The labelling of elements and graphs across the screens
The readability of the text and information
Below is an example of how the initial Overview screen looked, and how I changed and iterated upon the design of it based on the feedback and insights from user testing.
Key Changes & Improvements
Arranged the bar graph in descending order from highest to lowest to help users see at a quick glance what is performing well and what isn’t
Providing additional context to the graph like the benchmark and average sale performance to better help users understand what the data is telling them in context
Added additional labels like employee titles, or the timeframe of the sales performance score to provide more clarity for users of what the data means
Responsive Design
A challenge with this project, was adapting the designs to a mobile format. This was a requirement that was specified after 3 weeks in the project when we had heavily designed the screens for the target tablet experience. Having to scale down the content and make it mobile friendly was challenging, and given a second chance of this project, it’s a challenge I would approach at the beginning of the project. Below are some of the screen examples in the responsive mobile design.
Conclusions & Final Thoughts
What did I learn from this project?
Working on this project gave me a lot of insight into the design process. Breaking down the brief, considering important factors like Human Centered Design, understanding how to deliver the user needs and to constantly test and take feedback on the designs!
It was also a great experience working in a group and listening to my team mates ideas and having constructive conversations about design decisions and challenging the wireframes. It was great to put my designs in front of people and test them to help get an understanding of how users could interact with it, and the issues that arose (or not) during that process. The feedback and iterating helped me sharpen my design skills and deliverables for the final result!